Acid precipitation (Acid Rainfall): is now regarded as a serious problem in some European and Asian countries, the main cause and source of which is emissions of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides from thermal power plants and burning of fossil fuels. These oxides dissolve in atmospheric water vapour and fall back on earth as acid rainfall. Acid rainfall can cause destruction of crops and trees; destruction of fish; and damage to buildings.
Agronomy: Soil management and production of field crops is known as Agronomy.
Aleurone layer: is that part of the grain in cereals where much of the protein lies.
Alluvial soil: is the richest and most fertile soil of India spread over large areas in northern plains of India.
Arakan Yoma: is the extension of the Himalayas located in Myanmar.
Asthamudi Lake: is located in Kerala State.
Bailadila: in Bastar district of Madhya Pradesh, is known for its wealth of Manganese.
Barhara (Tribes): The Barhara tribes mentioned in the Mahabharata who had settled in the north-western regions of India, are associated with—(1) Ambashthas (a mixed Mongolian Aryan race); (2) Gandharas (Afghans); (3) Pavas.
Bhabhar region: in south of the Shivaliks, is an example of Piedmont situation i.e., belonging to or related to the foot of a mountain.
Bushmen (Tribes): They live in the Kalahari desert. They are probably the descendants of the earliest inhabitants of Africa. They rank among the most uncivilized and backward peoples in the world. Their food consists almost entirely of meat, often raw or decomposed, and in times of scarcity they will eat insects, snakes etc.
Cardamom: Karnataka is the largest producer of cardamom. India is the largest exporter of cardamom in the world.
Chinook: Warm, dry wind experienced along the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains in Canada and the U.S.A.
Climograph: is a graphical representation of the differentiation between various types of climate. It reveals the type of climate at a glance—a climograph showing wet bulb temperatures and relative humidities which are high, for instance, depicts a constantly hot damp climate.
Coastline of India, Length of: The length of India’s coastline is 7,516 km and its territory includes 1,256 islands. Tamil Nadu has the longest coastline in India.
Cosmic year: One cosmic year is equal to the time taken by the sun to complete one orbit around the galactic centre.
Cotopaxi: is the highest volcano in the world. It is situated in Ecuador.
Date Line, International: International Date Line is an internationally agreed line drawn parallel to the 180° meridian. It divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal parts. A crossing of the International Date Line entails repeating one day when travelling westwards.
Detroit of India: Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh, where a large number of automobile industries have been set up, is called the “Detroit of India”.
Doldrums Belt: is a zone of the tropics where the calm lasting for some weeks prevails, broken at times by erratic squalls and baffling winds. It is an area of low pressure. The wind system in the Equatorial areas is known as doldrums.
Dust Devil: is a dusty whirlwind normally a few feet in diameter and about 100 feet tall, sometimes also wider and higher.
Earth mass: The mass of the earth is about 81 times that of the moon.
Earth’s core: is mainly composed of iron and nickel. Lithosphere is the innermost layer of the earth.
El Nino: is the weather phenomenon brewing in the tropical Pacific Ocean. It is the largest climate event of the 20th century setting off more global disasters than ever before. El Nino is warming of the waters off Equatorial South America which causes climate abnormalities around the world. The impact can be flooding drought in California, Brazil, Africa and Australia, severe storms in the Central Pacific and a decline in hurricanes hitting the south-eastern United States.
Exfoliation: This type of weathering is common both in the cold as well as in the hot climate regions.
Fertilizer plant, First: The first fertilizer plant in India was set up at Sindri (Bihar).
Garo (Tribes): Garos are the tribe of Garo Hills in Meghalaya.
Glacial lake—example in India: Dal Lake in Srinagar.
Great Circle: A circle on the earth’s surface whose plane passes through its centre, and bisects it into two hemispheres. Two opposing meridians together form a Great Circle. The shortest distance between any two points on the earth’s surface is the arc of the Great Circle which passes through them. 0° latitude forms a Great Circle. (The latitude or longitude 75°W should be combined with 75°E to obtain the Great Circle).
Horse Latitudes: Sub-tropical belts of high atmospheric pressure over the oceans situated in both hemispheres. These are called Belts of Calm between regions of the Trade Winds and Westerlies of higher latitudes.
Hydroponics: means cultivation of the plants without use of soil.
Hyetology: is the study of rainfall.
Indira Point: in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the southern-most tip of India.
Irrigated area, Indian State having largest: The Indian State with the largest irrigated area is Uttar Pradesh.
Jhum: It is a slash and burn method of shifting cultivation (called jhum) practised on rainfall-bed slopes of forest hills and dales in Arunachal Pradesh.
Kandla: is a sea port situated at the head of the Gulf of Kuch in Gujarat State. It was the first port to be developed after independence. It has a free trade zone.
Khonds (Tribes): were primitive tribes living in Orissa.
Kikuyu (Tribes) : are a race of Bantu negroes who live to the north of Mount Kenya. These people combine agriculture with pastoralism.
Kirghiz (Tribes): of Central Asia are an example of people adapted to a grassland environment. The Kirghiz are pastoral nomads who move from pasture to pasture with the flocks and herds of horses, camels, oxen, sheep and goats. Meat forms only a small portion of their food. The Kirghiz are fearless horsemen, and even their children are expert riders
Lambadies (Tribes): are concentrated in Karnataka.
Lapse Rate: is the rate of change in temperature with increase of altitude.
Laterite soils: Laterite soils are formed by the weathering of laterite rocks. These can be distinguished from other soils by their acidity. Laterite soils are generally poor on the higher levels and cannot retain moisture. In the plains, however, they consist of heavy loams and clay and can retain moisture. Laterite soils occur in Madhya Pradesh, Assam and along the eastern and western Ghats. Tea plantation require acidity which is there in the laterite soil. It is, therefore, common in these areas.
Loams (loamy soil): Amixture of sand, clay and silt is known as loamy soil. Loams are formed where the soils have equal proportion of sand, silt and clay.
Local winds and their areas: Khamsin—Egypt; Zonda—Argentina; Santa Ana—California; Simoon—Iran.
Lushais (Tribes): are tribes of Mizoram.
Mansarover Lake: is in Tibet. Near it, the rivers having their source are the Brahamputra, the Sutlej and the Indus.
Maoris (Tribes): are the original inhabitants of New Zealand.
Masai (Tribes): of the East African plateau are the example of pastoral peoples. They are a tall, strong, warlike race, partly negroid in type. They treat their cattle with great respect and affection and do not kill them for food or for sale as meat.
Monsoon in India: is related to differential heating and cooling of the huge landmass of Asia and the Indian Ocean and the origin of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. The term Monsoon was introduced by the Arabs.
Munda (Tribes): are mostly located in Madhya Pradesh.
Negritos (Tribes): are the ancient tribes of Andamans.
Nutrification: is the process of conversion by action of bacteria, of nitrates in the soil.
Onges: are tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Oraon (Tribes): are aboriginal people of the Chhota Nagpur region in the State of Bihar. They call themselves Kurukh and speak a Dravidian language.
Pangong Tso: is one of the world’s highest and brackish lakes in Jammu & Kashmir.
Pressure zones on earth: are created due to differential heating of the earth’s surface by the sun.
Proxima Centauri: is a star nearest to the earth.
Rare earths (Or Lignite and Monazite) : are found on the beaches of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Monazite is an ore of thorium.
Roaring Forties: are westerly winds.
Saddle peak: is the highest peak of Andaman and Nicobar islands, located in Great Nicobar.
Savannas: are found between latitudes 5° and 20° North and South of Equator. These are tropical grasslands bordering the equatorial forests in each hemisphere. The Llanos and Pampas of South America are chief examples of Savannas but extensive Savannas are in Africa. Savanna grasslands are also found in Australia. The three-tier growth of vegetation is found in these regions. The natural vegetation of Savannas consists of tall grass.
Selvas: The rain forest of Amazon basin is called Selvas. These are rainy tropical forests..
Semangs (Tribes): are tribal people living in Malaysia.
Spring Tides: are caused when the sun and the moon are in a straight line. The tide on its maximum height is known as Spring Tide.
Taiga Belt: lies between the Tibet-type climate and the Tundras.
Telegu Ganga Project: in Tamil Nadu envisages optimal use of surplus water of the Krishna river. It is a joint venture of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
Time Zone: A zone on the terrestrial globe that is 15° longitude wide and extends from pole to pole and within which a uniform clock time is used. Time zones are the functional basis of standard time. The world is divided into 24 time zones.
Tsunamis: are huge sea waves caused by earthquakes.
Willy Willy: is a tropical cyclone of the north-west Australia.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) Recruitment
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT)
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)
Uppal Raod, Hyderabad - 500007
Advertisement No. 1/2011
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under the Government of India. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in prescribed proforma for the following posts :
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)
Uppal Raod, Hyderabad - 500007
Advertisement No. 1/2011
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under the Government of India. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in prescribed proforma for the following posts :
- Senior Principal Scientist/ Principal Scientist : 04 posts, Age : 50/ 45 years, Pay Scale : PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 grade pay Rs. 8900/ 8700
- Senior Scientist / Scientist : 38 posts, Age : 37/ 32 years, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs. 7600/ 6600
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of bank DD in favour of Director, IICT payable at Hyderabad. No fee from SC/ST/PH etc.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IICT website from 12/10/2011 to 14/11/2011. Please take a print out and in the registered format and send it to IICT on or before the last date 25/11/2011.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IICT website from 12/10/2011 to 14/11/2011. Please take a print out and in the registered format and send it to IICT on or before the last date 25/11/2011.
Please visit to get all the details and apply online.
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) Recruitment
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT)
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)
Uppal Raod, Hyderabad - 500007
Advertisement No. 2/2011
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under the Government of India. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in prescribed proforma for the following Technical posts:
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR)
Uppal Raod, Hyderabad - 500007
Advertisement No. 2/2011
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad is a Premier Research Laboratory under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, which is an autonomous body under the Government of India. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals in prescribed proforma for the following Technical posts:
- Senior Technical Officer (1) : 01 post
- Senior Technical Officer (2) : 02 posts
- Senior Technical Officer (1) : 03 posts
- Technical Officer : 02 posts
- Technical Assistant : 02 posts
- Jr. Engineer Gr. I : 03 posts
Application Fee : Rs.100/- in the form of bank DD in favour of Director, IICT payable at Hyderabad. No fee from SC/ST/PH etc.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IICT website from 12/10/2011 to 14/11/2011. Please take a print out and in the registered format and send it to IICT on or before the last date 25/11/2011.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IICT website from 12/10/2011 to 14/11/2011. Please take a print out and in the registered format and send it to IICT on or before the last date 25/11/2011.
Please visit to get all the details and apply online.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Government of India / Department of Space
Indian Space Research Organiation (ISRO)
National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSC), Balanagar, Hyderabad - 500625
How to Apply : Interested candidates may fill up the on line registration form after going through the general information, guidelines and conditions. Applications will be received on-line only from 20/10/2011 to 05/11/2011.
Please visit for more information and link to apply Online from 20/10/2011 onwards.
Indian Space Research Organiation (ISRO)
National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSC), Balanagar, Hyderabad - 500625
Online Applicaitons are in invited for the following posts in NRSC purely on temporary basis for a maximum period of 3 years from eligible candidates :
- Research Scientist : 01 post in Agro Meteorology/ Atmospheric Sciences, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-
- Research Scientist : 10 posts in Satellite Data Processing & GIS Analysis, Data Collation and Database Design, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-
- Research Scientist : 05 posts in Software Development, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-
How to Apply : Interested candidates may fill up the on line registration form after going through the general information, guidelines and conditions. Applications will be received on-line only from 20/10/2011 to 05/11/2011.
Please visit for more information and link to apply Online from 20/10/2011 onwards.
Recruitment notification in AP Special Police
Recruitment Notification for 100 posts of SCT Police Constables (APSP) (Men) in 15th Bn., APSP .
Eligibility conditions:
A. All the vacancies will be filled with male candidates belonging to the Aboriginal Tribes who are domiciled in the scheduled areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Mahaboobnagar, Adilabad, Warangal and Khammam districts through direct recruitment.
B. Age Limit: A candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 27 years as on 1st January, 2011 i.e., he must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1984 and not later than 1st January, 1993. The upper age limit will be relaxable as per details in the notification.
C. Minimum Educational Qualification: As on the date of notification i.e., 19-10-2011, the candidate must have passed 9th class from a School recognised by the State Government.
D. Physical standards: The candidates should meet the following requirements
(a). Height: Must not be less than 156 cms.
(b). Chest: Must not be less than 80 cms round the chest on full inspiration with
a minimum expansion of 3 cms.
Those who intend to apply for these posts may download the prescribed application form from website in the recruitment folder and they should submit duly filled in application form along with the copies of necessary certificates in any of the 6 centers mentioned in the notification from 08-11-2011 to 19-11-2011 on all working days in between 10.30 hours and 17.00 hours.
The complete text of the notification and application form is put up on in the recruitment folder.
Eligibility conditions:
A. All the vacancies will be filled with male candidates belonging to the Aboriginal Tribes who are domiciled in the scheduled areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Mahaboobnagar, Adilabad, Warangal and Khammam districts through direct recruitment.
B. Age Limit: A candidate must have attained the age of 18 years and must not have attained the age of 27 years as on 1st January, 2011 i.e., he must have been born not earlier than 2nd January, 1984 and not later than 1st January, 1993. The upper age limit will be relaxable as per details in the notification.
C. Minimum Educational Qualification: As on the date of notification i.e., 19-10-2011, the candidate must have passed 9th class from a School recognised by the State Government.
D. Physical standards: The candidates should meet the following requirements
(a). Height: Must not be less than 156 cms.
(b). Chest: Must not be less than 80 cms round the chest on full inspiration with
a minimum expansion of 3 cms.
Those who intend to apply for these posts may download the prescribed application form from website in the recruitment folder and they should submit duly filled in application form along with the copies of necessary certificates in any of the 6 centers mentioned in the notification from 08-11-2011 to 19-11-2011 on all working days in between 10.30 hours and 17.00 hours.
The complete text of the notification and application form is put up on in the recruitment folder.
100 Interesting Science Facts
1. Every year over one million earthquakes shake the Earth.
2. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth.
3. In October 1999 the 6 billionth person was born.
4. 10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment.
5. The Earth spins at 1,000 mph but it travels through space at an incredible 67,000 mph.
7. The largest ever hailstone weighed over 1 kg and fell in Bangladesh in 1986.6. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.
8. Every second around 100 lightning bolts strike the Earth.
9. Every year lightning kills 1000 people.
10. In October 1999 an Iceberg the size of London broke free from the Antarctic ice shelf.
11. If you could drive your car straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour.
12. All the hydrogen atoms in our bodies were created 12 billion years ago in the Big Bang.
13. The Earth is 4.56 billion years old…the same age as the Moon and the Sun.
14. The dinosaurs became extinct before the Rockies or the Alps were formed.
15. Female black widow spiders eat their males after mating.
16. When a flea jumps, the rate of acceleration is 20 times that of the space shuttle during launch.
17. The earliest wine makers lived in Egypt around 2300 BC.
18. If our Sun were just inch in diameter, the nearest star would be 445 miles away.
19. The Australian billy goat plum contains 100 times more vitamin C than an orange.
20. Astronauts cannot belch – there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs.
21. The air at the summit of Mount Everest, 29,029 feet is only a third as thick as the air at sea level.
22. One million, million, million, million, millionth of a second after the Big Bang the Universe was the size of a …pea.
23. DNA was first discovered in 1869 by Swiss Friedrich Mieschler.
24. The molecular structure of DNA was first determined by Watson and Crick in 1953.
24. The molecular structure of DNA was first determined by Watson and Crick in 1953.
25. The thermometer was invented in 1607 by Galileo.
26. Englishman Roger Bacon invented the magnifying glass in 1250.
27. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1866.
28. Wilhelm Rontgen won the first Nobel Prize for physics for discovering X-rays in 1895.
29. The tallest tree ever was an Australian eucalyptus – In 1872 it was measured at 435 feet tall.
30. Christian Barnard performed the first heart transplant in 1967 – the patient lived for 18 days.
31. The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brother’s first flight.
32. An electric eel can produce a shock of up to 650 volts.
33. Human tapeworms can grow up to 22.9m.
34. Chimps can understand 300 different signs.
35. The Ebola virus kills 4 out of every 5 humans it infects.
36. In 5 billion years the Sun will run out of fuel and turn into a Red Giant.
37. Without its lining of mucus your stomach would digest itself.
38. Humans have 46 chromosomes, peas have 14 and crayfish have 200.
39. There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
40. An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.
41. On the day that Alexander Graham Bell was buried the entire US telephone system was shut down for 1 minute in tribute.
42. The low frequency call of the humpback whale is the loudest noise made by a living creature.
43. The call of the humpback whale is louder than Concorde and can be heard from 500 miles away.
44. A quarter of the world’s plants are threatened with extinction by the year 2010.
45. Each person sheds 40lbs of skin in his or her lifetime.
46. At 15 inches the eyes of giant squids are the largest on the planet.
47. The largest galaxies contain a million, million stars.
48. The Universe contains over 100 billion galaxies.
49. Wounds infested with maggots heal quickly and without spread of gangrene or other infection.
50. More germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.
51. The longest glacier in Antarctica, the Almbert glacier, is 250 miles long and 40 miles wide.
52. The fastest speed a falling raindrop can hit you is 18mph.
53. A salmon-rich, low cholesterol diet means that Inuits rarely suffer from heart disease.
54. Inbreeding causes 3 out of every 10 Dalmation dogs to suffer from hearing disability.
55. The world’s smallest winged insect, the Tanzanian parasitic wasp, is smaller than the eye of a housefly.
56. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
57. It would take over an hour for a heavy object to sink 6.7 miles down to the deepest part of the ocean.
58. There are more living organisms on the skin of each human than there are humans on the surface of the earth.
59. The grey whale migrates 12,500 miles from the Artic to Mexico and back every year.
60. Quasars emit more energy than 100 giant galaxies.
61. Quasars are the most distant objects in the Universe.
62. The Saturn V rocket which carried man to the Moon develops power equivalent to fifty 747 jumbo jets.
63. Koalas sleep an average of 22 hours a day, two hours more than the sloth.
64. Light would take .13 seconds to travel around the Earth.
65. Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoonful would weigh more than all the people on Earth.
66. One in every 2000 babies is born with a tooth.
67. Every hour the Universe expands by a billion miles in all directions.
68. Somewhere in the flicker of a badly tuned TV set is the background radiation from the Big Bang.
69. The temperature in Antarctica plummets as low as -35 degrees Celsius.
70. Space debris travels through space at over 18,000 mph.
71. The International Space Station weighs about 500 tons and is the same size as a football field.
72. Astronauts brought back about 800 pounds of lunar rock to Earth. Most of it has not been analyzed.
73. Tuberculosis is the biggest global killer of women.
74. Hummingbirds consume half of their body weight in food every day.
75. Some species of bamboo grow at a rate of 3ft per day.
76. Saturn would float if you could find an ocean big enough.
77. The highest recorded train speed is 320.2 mph by the TGV train in France.
78. The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph by Fred Rompelburg.
79. The research spacecraft Helios B came within a record 27 million miles of the Sun.
80. 65 million years ago the impact of an asteroid is estimated to have had the power of 10 million H-Bombs.
81. The temperature at the centre of the Earth is estimated to be 5500 degrees Celsius.
82. Argentia in Newfoundland has an average 206 days of fog each year.
83. Mount Waiale’ale in Hawaii is the rainiest place in the world and has 335 rainy days a year.
84. 68% of all UFO sightings are by men.
85. 15% of the world’s fresh water flows down the Amazon.
86. A cat has 32 sets of muscles in each ear.
87. Over two-thirds of people admit to urinating while in public swimming pools.
88. More people die of heart attacks on Monday than on any other day of the week.
89. Beetles are the strongest animals on Earth relative to their size. A rhinoceros beetle can carry 850 times its own weight in its back.
90. In 1961 the Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in Space.
91. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
92. In 1885 Karl Benz built the first car powered by an internal combustion engine.
93. Scotsman John Baird invented the Baird televisor (now the television) in 1925.
94. Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, is the most volcanically active place in the Solar System.
95. The Walkman was launched in Japan by Sony in 1979.
96. Traffic lights with red and green gas lights were first introduced in London in 1868. Unfortunately, they exploded and killed a policeman. The first successful system was installed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914.
96. Traffic lights with red and green gas lights were first introduced in London in 1868. Unfortunately, they exploded and killed a policeman. The first successful system was installed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914.
97. Ticks are second only to the mosquito as the most dangerous parasites to humans.
98. 3 billion of the world’s 6 billion population are under the age of 25.
99. Infant mortality in 1900 was 142 in 1000 births. By 2000 it had reduced to just 6 in every 1000.
100. In total there is said to be around 400 million dogs in the world.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
LIC Nomura Mutual Fund Asset Management co. Ltd Recruitment
LIC Nomura Mutual Fund Asset Management Company Ltd. is looking for young bright achievers having aptitude in Marketing especially of Financial Products and services with good communication skills and interested in marketing Mutual Fund Products; for recruitment for the posts Relationship Manager for its Area Offices & Business Centers.
Relationship Manager: 35posts
a) Post Graduate/Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with minimum 55% aggregate marks at each level i.e. HSC/SSC/Graduation/Post Graduation (If any). (If any university awards grades instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks) AND
b) The Candidates should be well versed with MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access), Internet Explorer, Business Correspondences etc. c) The candidates having experience in Sales & Marketing of financial service products especially of Mutual Fund will be given preference.
AGE (as on 01/04/2011): Minimum 25 years and Maximum 30 years i.e. persons born between 01/04/1981 and 01/04/1986, both dates inclusive, will be eligible in terms of age.
Application Fees: A Non – refundable amount of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “LIC NOMURA MF AMC LTD.”, payable at Mumbai, should be enclosed with the application. Incomplete applications or applications with defective demand drafts shall be liable for rejection.
How to apply: Applications complete in all respects together with the enclosures should be addressed to “The AGM, Recruitment Cell, LIC NOMURA Mutual Fund AMC Ltd., 4th Floor, Industrial Assurance Bldg., Opp. Church gate Station, Mumbai – 400 020.
Last date: 31-10-2011
For more details Click here
Relationship Manager: 35posts
a) Post Graduate/Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with minimum 55% aggregate marks at each level i.e. HSC/SSC/Graduation/Post Graduation (If any). (If any university awards grades instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks) AND
b) The Candidates should be well versed with MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access), Internet Explorer, Business Correspondences etc. c) The candidates having experience in Sales & Marketing of financial service products especially of Mutual Fund will be given preference.
AGE (as on 01/04/2011): Minimum 25 years and Maximum 30 years i.e. persons born between 01/04/1981 and 01/04/1986, both dates inclusive, will be eligible in terms of age.
Application Fees: A Non – refundable amount of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “LIC NOMURA MF AMC LTD.”, payable at Mumbai, should be enclosed with the application. Incomplete applications or applications with defective demand drafts shall be liable for rejection.
How to apply: Applications complete in all respects together with the enclosures should be addressed to “The AGM, Recruitment Cell, LIC NOMURA Mutual Fund AMC Ltd., 4th Floor, Industrial Assurance Bldg., Opp. Church gate Station, Mumbai – 400 020.
Last date: 31-10-2011
For more details Click here
General Insurance Corporation of India
GIC Re, the „Indian Reinsurer and 14th largest Reinsurance Company in the world fully owned by Government of India with the network in India and abroad is looking for Young, Energetic Graduates / Post Graduates with Brilliant Academic record in the disciplines mentioned below to fill-in the positions of 50 Specialist Officers in the cadre of Assistant Managers (Scale-I) to be based in its offices in India and abroad and will be liable to be posted anywhere in India as well as abroad as per the requirement of the Corporation.
- Insurance: 10posts
Qualification: Graduate + PG in General/Life Insurance/ Math’s /Stats/AIII/FIII
- Marine Engineering: 02posts
Qualification: BE / B.Tech (Marine)
- Aeronautical Engineering: 02posts
Qualification: BE / B.Tech (Aeronautical)
- Chemical Engineering: 02posts
Qualification: BE / B.Tech (Chemical)
- Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering: 02posts
Qualification: BE / B.Tech (Mechanical/ Electrical)
- Research & Development: 02posts
Qualification: MSc (Stats / Math’s)
- Medical: 01post
Qualification: MBBS
- Marketing: 02posts
Qualification: Graduate + PG in Marketing
- Enterprise Risk Management: 02posts
Qualification: Graduate + PG in Risk Management
- Information Technology (Software): 03posts
Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. Software Engineer/MCA/IT
- Information Technology (Hardware): 02posts
Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. (Electronic Engineer)
- Finance / Accounts: 11posts
Qualification: B.Com+ CA Inter/M.Com
- Human resource development: 03posts
Qualification: Graduate + PG in HRM / Personnel Mgmt
- Legal: 03posts
Qualification: Graduate + LLB / B.L.
- Civil Engineering: 02posts
Qualification: BE / B.Tech (Civil)
- Publicity: 01post
Qualification: Graduate + PG in Mass Communications & Journalism
AGE: Age (As on 30.09.2011)
1. Minimum age: 21 years.
2. Maximum age: 30 years
Exam Date: Competitive written examination will be held at 04 centers in India tentatively on Sunday the 4th of December?2011
How to apply: Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions have to apply through online registration system of GIC Re i.e.
Last Date: 05-11-2011
For more details Click here
Eastern Naval Command Naval Base
Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed format for recruitment to the following posts:
- Store Keeper: 15 posts
Qualification: Candidate should have a degree from a recognized University preferably with one year experience in store work in a Government Department, Public Undertaking or a reputed Firm Or Matriculation with Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institute preferably with I years experience in stores work in Government Department, Public Undertaking or a reputed workshop Or Matriculation with certificate from Industrial Training Institute or approved apprenticeship in engineering grade with 5 years experience in stores work in Government public undertaking or a reputed workshop
- Stenographer Gr.III: 58posts
Qualification: Candidate should be Matriculate or its equivalent from a recognized Board/Institution. Must possess a speed of 80 words per minute in shorthand either in English or in Hindi to be transcribed on typewriter within the time prescribed for the purpose
- Lower Division Clerk: 232posts
Qualification: Must be Matriculate or its equivalent from a recognized Institution Board. Must possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi typewriting. A physically handicapped person who is otherwise qualified to hold a clerical post but does not possess the said qualification in typewriting may be appointed subject to the condition that a Civil Surgeon or equivalent certifies that the said handicapped person is not in a fit condition to be able to type
- Telephone Operator Gr. II: 11posts
Qualification: Candidate should be matriculate or its equivalent with English as a compulsory subject. Should be proficient in handling of PBX Board
- Civilian Motor Driver (OG): 69posts
Qualification: Candidate should have a Driving license for heavy Motor Vehicles. And should have 1 years practical experience in Heavy Motor Vehicles driving
- Cinema Projectionists Gr-II: 01post
Qualification: Candidate should be Middle School Standard pass or equivalent from a recognized Board/institution. Must be in possession of license prescribed by respective State Government/ Municipal Corporation etc., and should have two years experience in the appropriate field/trade
- Fire Engine Driver Gr.II: 41posts
Qualification: Candidate must have passed Middle School examination or equivalent. Must have at least three years experience of driving heavy vehicles and be in possession of valid driving Vehicles and be in possession of valid driving license. Must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties and this recruitment will be as under:
(i)Height without shoes- 165 cm (provided that a concession of 2.5 cm in height shall be allowed for members of the Scheduled Tribes.
(ii)Chest (without expansion)-81.5cm
(iii) Chest (with expansion) -85 cm
(iv)Weight (minimum)-50 kgs
- Lady Health Visitor: 01post
Qualification: Candidate should be Matriculate and should have some special training after her basic auxiliary nurse midwifery course or the candidate has done a course which has been specifically strengthened with regard to family planning and the total family planning health outlook
How to apply: Applications on the given prescribed proforma with attested copies of certificate/ testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, technical qualifications, experience, caste, Ex-Servicemen as per orders etc. showing the particulars as per the proforma should reach to "The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (for CCPO), Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command, Arjun Block, Naval Base Post Office, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh -530014"
Last date: 30-11-2011
For more details Click here
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
1. British come to India as :-
a. Social reformer
b. Inventor
c. As a ruler
d. As a traders
Ans : (d)
2. How many languages are accepted in Indian constitution?
a. 22
b. 28
c. 15
d. 20
Ans : (a)
3. Bi-Hinduism started in the year
a. 1870
b. 1878
c. 1865
d. 1861
Ans : (b)
4. Which one of the following is a fundamental right?
a. Right to freedom of religion
b. Right to property
c. Right to work
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
5. The right provided by constitution are called
a. Governmental Right
b. Optional Right
c. Economic Right
d. Fundamental Right
Ans : (d)
6. In which year Bengal was divided into two parts?
a. 1905
b. 1910
c. 1915
d. 1920
Ans : (a)
7. Bengal was divided as a result of:-
a. Do or die
b. Divide & rule
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
8. Who was the first governor general of independent India?
a. Dr. Rajender Parsad
b. Dr. S. Radhskishna
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Mount Batan
Ans : (d)
9. Who was nominated as a permanent member of constitutional assembly?
a. Dr. Rajender Parsad
b. Dr. S. Radhskishna
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Dr. B.R. Amedkar
Ans : (d)
10. Muslim league demand for ________ constitutional assembly
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans : (b)
11. Constitution was made in
a. 2 years 11 months 18 days
b. 1 years 11 months 18 days
c. 3 years 11 months 18 days
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
12. Secularism is added in constitution by the amendment of :-
a. 42th
b. 62th
c. 47th
d. 73th
Ans : (a)
13. After 42th amendment the first line of Indian preamble is ”we people of India _______
a. Sovereign
b. Secularism
c. Democratic
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
14. Secularism means-
a. State is against to all religious
b. State accept only one religion
c. State will not give any special concern with any religion
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
15. Right to freedom of religion is written in
a. Act 25 – 29
b. Act 14 – 18
c. Act 56
d. Act 51 1
Ans : (a)
6. According to act 28, which type of education is resisted in educational institution?
a. Education of specific religion
b. Navy Education
c. Moral Education
d. Sex Education
Ans : (a)
17. On the basis of _________ right to freedom of religion can be resisted?
a. Public arrangement
b. Morality
c. Health
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
18. In which country Non-Muslim are not allowed?
a. USA
b. Saudi Arabia
c. India
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
19. The most important aspect of secularism is its ________ of religion from state
a. Include
b. Separation
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
20. Who supports Untouchability?
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Christian
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
21. How many language are mentioned in the 8th schedule
a. 14
b. 15
c. 13
d. 22
Ans : (d)
22. Which of the following are included in right to freedom of religion?
a. Right to freedom of conscience
b. Freedom against forced religious instructions
c. Practice & propagation of religion
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
23. Non-interference means:-
a. Respect the sentiments of all religion
b. Respect only one religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
24. History provides many examples of discrimination, exclusion and persecution on the ground of
a. Exclusion
b. Religion
c. Law
d. Caste
Ans : (b)
25. Can there be different views with in the same religion?
a. yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
d. may be
Ans : (a)
26. Is India a secularism country?
a. yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
d. may be
Ans : (a)
27. Separation of same religion from the state in democratic societies is because of-
a. To interrupt religious teaching
b. To protect the freedom of individual exit from their religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
28. India constitution mandates that Indian state is
a. Socialist
b. Secular
c. Tyranny
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
29. The Indian state is
a. Ruled by the religious group
b. Supports one religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
30. Indian constitution grants the right to freedom of religious communities to set up their own school & colleges
a. Yes
b. no
c. Can’t Say
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
31. Most children in govt. schools have to begin their school day reciting the ‘pledge of allegiance”. The children are of:-
a. USA
b. Brazil
c. New Zealand
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
32. In USA, separation between state & religion means
a. Prohibition free exercise of religion
b. Respect an religion
c. Neither the state nor the religion can interfere in affair of one another
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
33. France passed a law banning students from wearing any conspicuous religious signs or symbols in year
a. Feb 2004
b. Jan 2007
c. Dec 2006
d. Dec 2007
Ans : (a)
34. France had faced a shortage of workers in year:-
a. 1972
b. 1960
c. 1970
d. 1947
Ans : (b)
35. ‘Id’ is a festival of
a. Muslim
b. Hindu
c. Sikh
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
36. Coercion means:-
a. Freedom of speech
b. Freedom of religion
c. Force someone to do something
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
37. There are maximum number of
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
38. Democracy means:-
a. Rule of people
b. Rule of minister
c. Rule of speaker
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
39. Who is the present prime minister of India?
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Indra Gandhi
c. Manmohan Singh
d. Sonia Gandhi
Ans : (c)
40. Is castism should be there?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
d. may be
Ans : (b)
41. Christian belongs to which religion
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Sikh
d. Christian
Ans : (d)
42. Scared book of Muslim is:-
a. Ved
b. Kuran
c. Namaj
d. All of these
Ans : (b)
43. Where the Hindu worship their God?
a. Temple
b. Masjid
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
44. India is a :-
a. Religion based country
b. Religion free country
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
45. Our unity lines in our
a. Diversity
b. Castism
c. Religious
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
46. Is there provision of Indian secularism in constitution
a. No
b. Yes
c. Can’t say
d. May be
Ans : (b)
47. Wearing a _______ is central to a Sikh’s religious practice
a. Pugri
b. suit
c. Having Bike
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
48. India constitution guarantees ______to
a. Fundamental duty
b. Fundamental right
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
49. Separation of religion from the state means
a. Socialism
b. Democracy
c. Secularism
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
50. There are mainly four religion practiced in India, they are
a. Arabic
b. Christian
c. Jainism
d. Buddhism
Ans : (b)
a. Social reformer
b. Inventor
c. As a ruler
d. As a traders
Ans : (d)
2. How many languages are accepted in Indian constitution?
a. 22
b. 28
c. 15
d. 20
Ans : (a)
3. Bi-Hinduism started in the year
a. 1870
b. 1878
c. 1865
d. 1861
Ans : (b)
4. Which one of the following is a fundamental right?
a. Right to freedom of religion
b. Right to property
c. Right to work
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
5. The right provided by constitution are called
a. Governmental Right
b. Optional Right
c. Economic Right
d. Fundamental Right
Ans : (d)
6. In which year Bengal was divided into two parts?
a. 1905
b. 1910
c. 1915
d. 1920
Ans : (a)
7. Bengal was divided as a result of:-
a. Do or die
b. Divide & rule
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
8. Who was the first governor general of independent India?
a. Dr. Rajender Parsad
b. Dr. S. Radhskishna
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Mount Batan
Ans : (d)
9. Who was nominated as a permanent member of constitutional assembly?
a. Dr. Rajender Parsad
b. Dr. S. Radhskishna
c. Mahatma Gandhi
d. Dr. B.R. Amedkar
Ans : (d)
10. Muslim league demand for ________ constitutional assembly
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans : (b)
11. Constitution was made in
a. 2 years 11 months 18 days
b. 1 years 11 months 18 days
c. 3 years 11 months 18 days
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
12. Secularism is added in constitution by the amendment of :-
a. 42th
b. 62th
c. 47th
d. 73th
Ans : (a)
13. After 42th amendment the first line of Indian preamble is ”we people of India _______
a. Sovereign
b. Secularism
c. Democratic
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
14. Secularism means-
a. State is against to all religious
b. State accept only one religion
c. State will not give any special concern with any religion
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
15. Right to freedom of religion is written in
a. Act 25 – 29
b. Act 14 – 18
c. Act 56
d. Act 51 1
Ans : (a)
6. According to act 28, which type of education is resisted in educational institution?
a. Education of specific religion
b. Navy Education
c. Moral Education
d. Sex Education
Ans : (a)
17. On the basis of _________ right to freedom of religion can be resisted?
a. Public arrangement
b. Morality
c. Health
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
18. In which country Non-Muslim are not allowed?
a. USA
b. Saudi Arabia
c. India
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
19. The most important aspect of secularism is its ________ of religion from state
a. Include
b. Separation
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
20. Who supports Untouchability?
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Christian
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
21. How many language are mentioned in the 8th schedule
a. 14
b. 15
c. 13
d. 22
Ans : (d)
22. Which of the following are included in right to freedom of religion?
a. Right to freedom of conscience
b. Freedom against forced religious instructions
c. Practice & propagation of religion
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
23. Non-interference means:-
a. Respect the sentiments of all religion
b. Respect only one religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
24. History provides many examples of discrimination, exclusion and persecution on the ground of
a. Exclusion
b. Religion
c. Law
d. Caste
Ans : (b)
25. Can there be different views with in the same religion?
a. yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
d. may be
Ans : (a)
26. Is India a secularism country?
a. yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
d. may be
Ans : (a)
27. Separation of same religion from the state in democratic societies is because of-
a. To interrupt religious teaching
b. To protect the freedom of individual exit from their religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
28. India constitution mandates that Indian state is
a. Socialist
b. Secular
c. Tyranny
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
29. The Indian state is
a. Ruled by the religious group
b. Supports one religion
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
30. Indian constitution grants the right to freedom of religious communities to set up their own school & colleges
a. Yes
b. no
c. Can’t Say
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
31. Most children in govt. schools have to begin their school day reciting the ‘pledge of allegiance”. The children are of:-
a. USA
b. Brazil
c. New Zealand
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
32. In USA, separation between state & religion means
a. Prohibition free exercise of religion
b. Respect an religion
c. Neither the state nor the religion can interfere in affair of one another
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
33. France passed a law banning students from wearing any conspicuous religious signs or symbols in year
a. Feb 2004
b. Jan 2007
c. Dec 2006
d. Dec 2007
Ans : (a)
34. France had faced a shortage of workers in year:-
a. 1972
b. 1960
c. 1970
d. 1947
Ans : (b)
35. ‘Id’ is a festival of
a. Muslim
b. Hindu
c. Sikh
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
36. Coercion means:-
a. Freedom of speech
b. Freedom of religion
c. Force someone to do something
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
37. There are maximum number of
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
38. Democracy means:-
a. Rule of people
b. Rule of minister
c. Rule of speaker
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
39. Who is the present prime minister of India?
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Indra Gandhi
c. Manmohan Singh
d. Sonia Gandhi
Ans : (c)
40. Is castism should be there?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t say
d. may be
Ans : (b)
41. Christian belongs to which religion
a. Hindu
b. Muslim
c. Sikh
d. Christian
Ans : (d)
42. Scared book of Muslim is:-
a. Ved
b. Kuran
c. Namaj
d. All of these
Ans : (b)
43. Where the Hindu worship their God?
a. Temple
b. Masjid
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
44. India is a :-
a. Religion based country
b. Religion free country
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
45. Our unity lines in our
a. Diversity
b. Castism
c. Religious
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
46. Is there provision of Indian secularism in constitution
a. No
b. Yes
c. Can’t say
d. May be
Ans : (b)
47. Wearing a _______ is central to a Sikh’s religious practice
a. Pugri
b. suit
c. Having Bike
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
48. India constitution guarantees ______to
a. Fundamental duty
b. Fundamental right
c. Both (1) & (2)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
49. Separation of religion from the state means
a. Socialism
b. Democracy
c. Secularism
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
50. There are mainly four religion practiced in India, they are
a. Arabic
b. Christian
c. Jainism
d. Buddhism
Ans : (b)
a. 6
b. 5
c. 4
d. 7
Ans : (b)
2. President electoral college consists of:-
a. M.P
b. M.L.A.
c. Members of state legislative
d. Elected members of parliament & state legislative
Ans : (d)
3. A dispute regarding the election of the president is referred to the:-
a. Election commission
b. Parliament
c. Supreme Court
d. Vice president
Ans : (c)
4. If the president has to resign, he sends his resignation to:-
a. Prime minister
b. Vice president
c. Chief minister
d. Lok sabha speaker
Ans : (a)
5. What is the position of president in the executive?
a. Head executive
b. Constitutional head of government
c. Constitutional head of state
d. Head of party in power
Ans : (a)
6. ”EVM” for the first time used in:-
a. 2007
b. 2004
c. 2003
d. 1990
Ans : (b)
7. What did universal adult franchise mean:-
a. Right to vote
b. Right to freedom
c. Right to equality
d. Right to adult freedom
Ans : (b)
8. The parliament of India has ______ houses
a. 2
b. 6
c. 7
d. 3
Ans : (a)
9. Rajya sabha is also called
a. Parliament
b. House of people
c. Council of states
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
10. Houses of people is _______
a. Lok sabha
b. Vidhan sabha
c. Rajya sabha
d. Parliament
Ans : (a)
11. Rajya sabha has ________ members
a. 245
b. 250
c. 238
d. 219
Ans : (a)
12. Lok sabha contains:-
a. 550
b. 552
c. 545
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
13. How many members are nominated in Rajya sabha by president?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 15
d. 20
Ans : (b)
14. How many members are nominated in Lok sabha by president?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 7
Ans : (a)
15. Parliament of India is _______ law making institution
a. Midst
b. Supreme
c. Lowest
d. All of above
Ans : (b)
16. The lok sabha is elected after every _______ years
a. 5
b. 6
c. 2
d. 4
Ans : (a)
17. Each constituencies elected
a. 1 person to the parliament
b. 2 person to the parliament
c. 3 person to the parliament
d. 4 person to the parliament
Ans : (a)
18. Third lok sabha election held in
a. 1973
b. 1962
c. 1966
d. 1970
Ans : (b)
19. Which political party has won most seats in all states in 8th lok sabha election
a. Telugu Desam party
b. Independents
c. Kerala congress
d. Muslim league
Ans : (a)
20. In which state lok sabha elections were held in 1984?
a. Punjab
b. Assam
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of above
Ans : (c)
21. When was 13th lok sabha elections held?
a. 1970
c. 1999
d. 2000
Ans : (c)
22. Which party got a maximum number of seats?
a. BJP
b. SHS
d. NCP
Ans : (a)
23. The parliament of India consists:-
a. President, lok sabha, Rajya sabha
b. Prime minister, lok sabha, Rajya sabha
c. Vice president, Vidhan sabha
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
24. The most important function of lok sabha is
a. Judiciary
b. Executive
c. Legislature
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
25. Who is the leader of ruling party in the lok sabha?
a. Prime minister
b. President
c. Speaker of lok sabha
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
26. How many elected & nominated members are there in Rajya sabha?
a. 238, 12
b. 233, 12
c. 240, 10
d. 242, 8
Ans : (b)
27. The parliament is begin with _______
a. Question hour
b. Zero hour
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
28. Who highlights the drawback of various policies?
a. BJP
b. Members of parliament
c. Member of legislative
d. Opposition party
Ans : (d)
29. What is the significant function of parliament?
a. Law making
b. Socio reform
c. Child development
d. none of these
Ans : (a)
30. When was 1st election held in India?
a. 1951
b. 1984
c. 1971
d. 1964
Ans : (a)
31. When was 14th election held?
a. 2003
b. 2000
c. 1999
d. 2004
Ans : (d)
32. Which political party is currently in power?
a. Congress
b. BJP
c. Telugu Desam
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
33. The parliament is made up with
a. Prime minister, BJP
b. President, Lok sabha, Rajya sabha
c. Vidhan sabha, Vidhan Mandal
d. All of these
Ans : (b)
34. When did India get freedom?
a. 1945
b. 1948
c. 1942
d. 1947
Ans : (a)
35. Who was the 1st prime minister of India?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. Rajender Parsad
d. None of above
Ans : (a)
36. Who was the 1st president of India?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. Rajendra Prasad
d. None of above
Ans : (c)
37. What is the guiding philosophy of Bharatiya janata party?
a. Marxism
b. Revolutionary democracy
c. Modernisation
d. none of these
Ans : (b)
38. In representative democracies, people do not participate
a. Directly
b. Indirectly
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
39. BJP is
a. National party
b. State party
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
40. How many building are there for central secretariat?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 2
Ans : (d)
41. When was it built?
a. 1930
b. 1950
c. 1961
d. 1931
Ans : (a)
42. Member of Parliament are representatives of?
a. Government
b. Party
c. None of these
d. People
Ans : (d)
43. When was 6th election held?
a. 1977
b. 1984
c. 1967
d. 2004
Ans : (a)
44. The members of Rajya sabha are elected
a. Directly
b. Indirectly
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
45. The person of age _____ has right to vote?
a. 18
b. 20
c. 22
d. 24
Ans : (a)
46. Political party is made by
a. Members of parliament
b. Member of legislative assembly
c. Prime minister
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
47. In, 13th elections of lok sabha BJP wins
a. 182
b. 14
c. 114
d. 5
Ans : (a)
48. The members of Rajya sabha are called:-
a. MLA
b. MP
c. PM
d. President
Ans : (a)
49. ‘NDA’ means
a. National defence academy
b. National Democratic Party
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
50. ‘EVM’ means
a. Electronic voting machine
b. Election voting machine
c. Equal vote measure
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
a. Tea
b. Cooked Food
c. Air
d. Toffee
Ans . 1. (c)
2. Inexhaustible natural resources in nature are
a. limited
b. Unlimited
c. Scarce
d. Not present
Ans . 2. (b)
3. Resources which are limited in nature are Known as
a. Exhaustible
b. Inexhaustible
c. unnatural
d. None of these
Ans . 3. (a)
4. Which of the following is an exhaustible natural resource?
a. Air
b. Water
c. Soil
d. forest
Ans . 4. (d)
5. Sunlight is _________natural resource
a. Inexhaustible
b. Exhaustible
c. Both (a) &
(b) d. None of these
Ans . 5. (a)
6. Petroleum is ________natural resource
a. Inexhaustible
b. Exhaustible
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans . 6. (b)
7. Fossils are the
a. Dead remains of living organism
b. Coal mines
c. Kind of natural resource
d. Living beings
Ans . 7. (a)
8. Coal can be formed from
a. Sunlight
b. Steam
c. Fossils
d. Plants
Ans . 8. (c)
9. Coal is ________in colour
a. Black
b. Blue
c. Orange
d. Red
Ans . 9. (a)
10. Coal is ________in nature
a. Soft
b. Hard
c. Thin
d. Hot
Ans . 10. (b)
11. Coal can be used as a
a. Fertilizer
b. Purifier
c. Fuel
d. Insecticide
Ans . 11. (c)
12. Other uses of fuel includes
a.Produce steam to run engine
b.Produce electricity in thermal power plants
c.Fuel in various industries
d.All of these
Ans . 12. (d)
13. Coal mainly contains
a. Hydrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Carbon
d. Sodium
Ans . 13. (c)
14. Carbonisation is
a. Slow conversion of dead vegetation Into coal
b. Deposition of soil
c. falling of trees
d. None of these
Ans . 14. (a)
15. When heated in air produces
a. Carbon monoxide
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Nitrogen dioxide
d. Oxygen
Ans . 15. (b)
16. Coal is produced in industry to get
a. Coke
b. Coal tar
c. Coal gas
d. All of these
Ans . 16. (d)
17. Coke is used in the manufacturing of
a. Lead
b. Iron
c. steel
d. Copper
Ans . 17. (c)
18. Which is an almost pure form of carbon?
a. Coke
b. Coal tar
c. Coal gas
d. None of these
Ans . 18. (c)
19. The characteristic of coal is
a. tough
b. Black in colour
c. Porous
d. All of these
Ans . 19. (d)
20. Coal tar has an _________ smell.
a.. Unpleasant
b. Pleasant
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans . 20 (a)
21. Coal tar is used in manufacture of
a. Synthetic dyes
b. Drugs
c. Explosives
d. All of these
Ans . 21. (d)
22. Naphthalene balls are obtained from
a. Carbon
b. Coke
c. Coal tar
d. Coal gas
Ans . 22. (c)
23. Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Coal gas
c. Carbon monoxide
d. Sulphur dioxide
Ans . 23. (b)
24. Heavy motor vehicles like trucks run on
a. Petrol
b. Diesel
c. Coal
d. Coal tar
Ans . 24. (b)
25. Petrol and diesel can be obtained from
a. Coal tar
b. Coal
c. Petroleum
d. Coal gas
Ans . 25. (c)
26. Petroleum is formed from
a. Domestic animals
b.. Organisms in sea
c. Wild animals
d. Insects
Ans . 26. (b)
27. Petroleum is mixture of
a. Petrol
b. Diesel
c. Petroleum gas
d. All of these
Ans . 27. (d)
28. The layer containing petroleum oil & gas is
a. Above that of water
b. Below water
c. Between water and sand
d. Below sand
Ans . 28. (a)
29. Refining is
a. Extracting petroleum gas
b. Separation of various fractions of petroleum
c. Heating of coal
d. Sedimentation of fossil fuel
Ans . 29. (b)
30. LPG is used in / as
a. Home
b. Vehicles
c. Aviation Fuel
d. Road surfacing
Ans . 30. (a)
31. Natural gas can be transported through
a. Cylinders
b. Barriers
c. Pipes
d. None of these
Ans . 31. (c)
32. CNG is stored under
a. Power generation
b. Electric Generators
c. Solvent
d. none of these
Ans . 32. (b)
33. CNG is used for
a. Power generation
b. Electric generators
c. Solvent
d. None of these
Ans . 33. (a)
34. In India, vast reserves of natural gas are found in
a. Tripura
b. Rajasthan
c. Maharashtra
d. All of these
Ans . 34. (d)
35. Burning of fossil fuel causes
a. Air pollution
b. Global warming
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans . 35. (c)
36. PCRA stands for
a. Pollution control research association
b. Petroleum conversation Research association
c. Petroleum control research association
d. Petrol, coal reserve association
Ans . 36. (b)
37. Bitumen is used in
a. Electric generators
b. Road surfacing
c. Coal tar
d. Natural Gas
Ans . 37. (b)
38. What is called black gold?
a. Petroleum
b. Coal
c. Coal Tar
d. Natural gas
Ans . 38. (a)
39. Petrol can be saved by
a. Driving at a constant & moderate speed
b. Ensuring correct type pressure
c. Switching off the engine at traffic lights
d. All of these
Ans . 39. (d)
40. Which of the following is / are fossil fuels?
a. Coal
b. Petroleum
c. Natural gas
d. All of these
Ans . 40. (d)
41. CNG is
a. Highly polluting
b. Less polluting
c. Not at all polluting
d. None of these
Ans . 41. (b)
42. Kerosene is used in / as
a. Jet engines
b. Fuel
c. Ointments
d. Lubricants
Ans . 42. (a)
43. Useful substances obtained from petroleum & natural gases are called
a. Chemicals
b. Petroleum products
c. Petrochemicals
d. None of these
Ans . 43. (c)
44. Petrochemicals are used in the manufacture of
a. Polythene
b. Detergents
c. Fibres
d. All of these
Ans . 44. (d)
45. Hydrogen gas obtained from natural gas is used in
a. motor fuel
b. Fertilizers
c. Paints
d. stoves
Ans . 45. (b)
46. Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum & natural gas in
a. Absence of air
b. Presence of air
c. Presence of sun light
d. None of these
Ans . 46. (a)
47. Diesel is used in
a. Coojing oil
b. Paints
c. Road surfacing
d. Electric generators
Ans . 47. (d)
48. Which of them is used in extraction of metals ?
a. Coke
b. coal gas
c. Coal tar
d. Petroleum
Ans . 48. (a)
49. Which of them is used as solvent for dry cleaning?
a. Diesel
b. Kerosene
c. petrol
d. Paraffin wax
Ans . 49. (c)
50. The fibres manufacture by petrochemicals are
a. Nylon
b. Polyester
c. Acrylic
d. All of these
Ans . 50. (d)
a. malleability
b. Ductility
c. conduction
d. Expansion
Ans . 1. (a)
2. Which one of the following is metal?
a. C
b. N
c. Na
d. O
Ans . 2. (c)
3. Which one of the following is non metal?
a. Zn
b. Al
c. Fe
d. N
Ans . 3. (d)
4. All materials shown property of malleability expect
a. Iron
b. Graphite
c. Aluminium
d. Silver
Ans . 4. (b)
5. Which one of the following is a good conductor of electricity?
a. Iron
b. Plastic
c. Wood
d. Glass
Ans . 5. (a)
6. The property of metal by which it can be drawn into wires is called
a. Conductivity
b. malleability
c. Ductility
d. Decorating
Ans . 6. (c)
7. The metals that produce ringing sounds, are said to be-
a. malleable
b. sonorous
c. Lustrous
d. hard
Ans . 7. (b)
8. Which metal is found in liquid state t room temperature?
a. Fe
b. Zn
c. Hg
d. Al
Ans . 8. (c)
9. The solution of ash of magnesium ribbon is-
a. Acidic
b. Basic
c. Neutral
d. All of these
Ans . 9. (b)
10. What is the product when sulphur reacts with oxygen?
a. Sulphuric acid
b. Sulphur trioxide
c. Sulphurous acid
d. Sulphur dioxide
Ans . 10. (d)
11. When sulphur dioxide is dissolve in water then-
a. Sulphur is formed
b. Sulphur trioxide is formed
c. Sulphuric acid is formed
d. Sulphurous acid is formed.
Ans . 11. (c)
12. What is the chemical formula of sulphurous acid-
a. H2SO4
b. SO2
c. SO3
d. H2SO3
Ans . 12. (d)
13. The sulphuric acid turns blue litmus paper into-
a. Red
b. Green
c. Yellow
d. Dark blue
Ans . 13. (a)
14. Oxides of non metals are _______ in nature
a. Basic
b. Acidic
c. Neutral
d. All of these
Ans . 14. (b)
15. Sodium metal is stored in-
a. Water
b. Alcohol
c. Kerosene
d. Ether
Ans . 15. (c)
16. Which one of the following metal reacts vigorously with oxygen and water?
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Calcium
d. Magnesium
Ans . 16. (a)
17. Which metal is present in Calcium Hydroxide?
a. C
b. O
c. Ca
d. H
Ans . 17. (c)
18. Which non-metal catches fire if the exposed to air
a. Sodium
b. Phosphorous
c. Calcium
d. Uranium
Ans . 18. (b)
19. What is the chemical formula of copper sulphate?
a. CuSO4
b. CuCO3
c. CuCl2
d. CuO
Ans . 19. (b)
20. Which gas are produced when metal react with acids
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon dioxide
Ans . 20 (c)
21. Which one of the following does not react with acids?
a. Cu
b. Ni
c. Cr
d. O
Ans . 21. (d)
22. Which one of the following gas burns with the “pop” sound?
a. Oxygen
b. Hydrogen
c. Chlorine
d. Hydrogen sulphide
Ans . 22. (b)
23. Which of the following can be beaten in to thin sheets?
a. Zinc
c. Sulphur
d. Oxygen
Ans . 23. (a)
24. Which of the following statements are correct?
a. All metals are ductile
b All non metals are ductile
c Generally metals are ductile
d.some metals are ductile
Ans . 24. (c)
25. What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate?
a. Copper sulphate formed
b. Zinc sulphate formed
c. Copper chloride formed
d. Zinc sulphate formed.
Ans . 25. (a)
26. On burning metals react with oxygen to produce-
a. Metal hydroxide
b. Metal chloride
c. Metal oxide
d. Metal sulphate
Ans . 26. (c)
27. Which gas produced by piece of burning charcoal?
a. CO2
b. CO
c. H2S
d. O2
Ans . 27. (b)
28. Which non metal is essential for our life and inhale during breathing?
a. H
b. O
c. C
d. N
Ans . 28. (b)
29. Non metals used in-
a. Aeroplanes
b. making machinery
c. Water boilers
d. Fertilisers
Ans . 29. (d)
30. Which one of the following is applied on wounds as an antiseptic?
a. Metals
b. Non metals
c. Metalloids
d. All of these
Ans . 30. (b)
31. Which metal is found in plants?
a. Fe
b. Cr
c. Mg
Ans . 31. (c)
32. Copper sulphate (CuSO4) possesses
a. Red colour
b. Blue colour
c. Green colour
d. Yellow colour
Ans . 32. (b)
33. Which one of the following are very reactive non metals
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Carbon
d. Phosphorous
Ans . 33. (d)
34. Which one of the following is the good conducter of electricity?
a. Iron rod
b. Sulphur
c. Coal piece
d. Wood
Ans . 34. (a)
35. Which material show shiny appearance?
a. Coal
b. Sulphur
c. Aluminium
d. Carbon
Ans . 35. (c)
36. Which material is hard in nature?
a. Iron
b. Coal
c. Oxygen
d. Wood
Ans . 36. (a)
37. Gold is used in-
a. Thermometers
b. Fuel
c. Jewellery
d. Machinery
Ans . 37. (c)
38. Which one of the following metal is used thermometers?
a. Copper
b. Mercury
c. Aluminium
d. Iron
Ans . 38. (b)
39. Which one of the following can’t be drawn into wires?
a. Fe
b. Al
c. Cu
d. Coal
Ans . 39. (d)
40. Which substance is present in fuel?
a. Copper
b. Iron
c. Gold
d. Carbon
Ans . 40. (d)
41. Zinc replaces copper from-
a. Zinc sulphate
b. Copper sulphate
c. sulphuric acid
d. Copper oxide
Ans . 41. (b)
42. Metallic oxides are-
a. Acidic is nature
b. Neutral
c. Basic in nature
d. Either acidic or basic
Ans . 42. (c)
43. Aluminium foil used for wrapping-
a. Food
b. Clothes
c. Plastic
d. Wires
Ans . 43. (a)
44. Which one of the following is used for decorating sweets?
a. Aluminium foil
b. Copper foil
c. Silver foil
d. All of these
Ans . 44. (c)
45. Which one of the following enhances the growth of plants?
a. Industrial gadgets
b. Fertilisers
c. Automobiles
d. Water boilers
Ans . 45. (b)
46. Which one of the following is in crackers?
a. metals
b. Semi metals
c. Non-metal
d. All of these
Ans . 46. (c)
47. Hydrogen gas produce when metal react with-
a. Acid
b. Base
c. Salt
d. Both acid & base
Ans . 47. (b)
48. Which of the following can’t be beaten into sheets?
a. Zinc
b. Iron
c. Aluminium
d. Sulphur
Ans . 48. (d)
49. Heat conduction is the property of
a. Non-metal
b. Metal
c. Metalloids
d. All of these
Ans . 49. (b)
50. Moist air is the combination of-
a. H2O+CO2+O2
b. H2O+ CO+O2
c. H2O+CO2+H2
d. H2O+O2+H2
Ans . 50. (a)
a. Police
b. Minister
c. Law
d. Court
Ans : (a)
2. To enforce the rule we have :-
a. Courts
b. Judiciary
c. Minister
d. Police
Ans : (b)
3. ‘Right to health’ is included in :-
a. Act 21
b. Act 42
c. Act 356
d. Act 29
Ans : (a)
4. 26 January was a day to establish :-
a. Supreme Court
b. High Court
c. panchayti raj
d. Lower courts
Ans : (b)
5. Supreme court is located in :-
a. Chandigarh
b. Punjab
c. Haryana
d. New Delhi
Ans : (d)
6. To protect people from exploitation – government make certain _________
a. laws
b. police
c. Courts
d. Ministers
Ans : (a)
7. It is ______ to deny workers their wages
a. Legal
b. justice
c. Illegal
d. All of above
Ans : (c)
8. Market has basically ________ parties.
a. Three
b. One
c. Two
d. Four
Ans : (a)
9. Do you think the wages given to workers is _________.
a. Adequate
b. Low
c. High
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
10. power looms are :-
a. Small units with 4 – 6 looms
b. Workers of textile mile
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
11. Many workers are denied fair wages by their employers because :-
a. They badly need work
b. Workers has no bargaining power
c. paid low wages.
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
12. Enforcement of law become important :-
a. When law seeks to protect the rich persons
b. When law seeks to protect the ministers
c. When law seeks to protect the weak from strong
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
13. Fundamental law was guaranteed by :-
a. Minister
b. Government
c. President
d. Indian constitution
Ans : (d)
14. ‘Right against exploitation’says that :-
a. Every person is free to chose any religion
b. No one can interrupt constitution
c. No one can forced to work for low wages
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
15. No child below the age of ______ shall be employed to work in any factory.
a. Fourteen
b. Twenty
c. Ten
d. Three
Ans : (a)
16. Children labour prevention act was amended by the government in :-
a. September 2007
b. October2006
c. January 2002
d. October 2005
Ans : (b)
17. Child Labour prevention means :-
a. Child under 14 of age banned for working in dhabas
b. Child under 14 of age banned for working in Restaurants
c. Child under 14 of age banned for working in tea shops
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
18. Violating child labour prevention act must be :-
a. Penalized with the punishment of 3 months.
b. Fine of rupee 10,000 to 20,000
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
19. Only three states published the plan of child labour prevention act these are :-
a. Maharastra, Karnataka & Tamil Naidu
b. Punjab, Haryana & Maharastra
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
20. The world’s most industrial tragedy took place in :-
a. Punjab
b. Haryana
c. Karnataka
d. Bhopal
Ans : (d)
21. Bhopal gas tragedy was took place :-
a. 24 years ago
b. 22 years ago
c. 20 years ago
d. 10 years ago
Ans : (a)
22. UC means :-
a. Unit calorie
b. Union commission
c. Union Carbide
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
23. UC is a _________ company.
a. African
b. American
c. Arabian
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
24. Bhopal gas tragedy occurs at :-
a. 12 December 1984
b. 17 December 1984
c. 14 December 1984
d. 2 December 1984
Ans : (d)
25. Name the poisonous gas released from the industry at Bhopal.
a. Methyl – isocyanide
b. Methyl – Alcohol
c. Methyl – chloride
d. Methanol
Ans : (a)
26. With in three days, about how many people were dead.
a. About 8,000
b. Below 8,000
c. More than 8,000
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
27. Give only one reason why foreigners come India?
a. Cheap labour
b. Hard working labour
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
28. Lower working conditions include :-
a. Cheap labour
b. Hard working labour
c. low wages labour
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
29. One worker can easily replace another because of :-
a. Too much unemployment
b. Work in unsafe condition
c. Low wages
d. All of these
Ans : (a)
30. In India incident occurs rapidly because of :-
a. Safety laws are less in India
b. Safety laws are not enforcement
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
31. New law on environment are introduced due to :-
a. Bhopal gas tragedy
b. UC factory tragedy
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
32. The environment is treated as ‘free’entity because :-
a. Any industry can pollute air
b. Any industry can pollute water without restrictions
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
33. ‘Right to life’ is a fundamental right under :-
a. Act 42
b. Act 76
c. Act 1
d. Act 21
Ans : (d)
34. In 1998 onwards, Supreme court had ordered all the public transport vehicles using diesel were switch to :-
a. CNG
b. LPG
c. Petroleum
d. Coal
Ans : (a)
35. CNG means :-
a. Common Nation gas
b. Compressed Natural gas
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
36. Which countries hosts for industries producing pesticides, Zinc or Lead.
a. China, Pakistan & Cochin
b. Nepal, Burma & China
c. Cochin, Shimla & Burma
d. India, Pakistan & Bangladesh
Ans : (d)
37. Another hazardous industry that is growing rapidly in South Asia is :-
a. Ship shaping
b. Ship shaping
c. Ship breaking
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
38. Laws are necessary :-
a. To make people happy
b. To make people enjoy
c. To protect people from unfair means
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
39. A major role of government is :-
a. Is to control the activities of private companies
b. Enforcing law
c. Ensure social justice
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
40. Social law means :-
a. There is special provision for rich persons
b. there is special job facilities for ladies
c. All the people are equal before law
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
41. Workers right means :-
a. Right to work
b. Right to fair wages
c. Right to decant conditions
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
42. Do you think that the workers of Bhopal gas tragedy got justice :-
a. Yes
b. No
c. May be
d. Can’t say
Ans : (b)
43. What are the main sources of environmental pollution?
a. Air
b. Water
c. Soil
d. All of these
Ans : (c)
44. Consumer means :-
a. An individual who buys goods for personal use.
b. An individual who sells goods for personal use.
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (a)
45. Producer means :-
a. An individual who buys goods for personal use.
b. An individual who sells goods for personal use.
c. An individual that produces goods
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
46. What do you mean by the term ‘Investment’?
a. Money spent to purchase new machinery
b. Money spent to purchase new building
c. Money spent to increase production in future.
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
47. Workers are :-
a. An association of child
b. An association of people working for wages
c. An association of leaders
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
48. Act of breaking law means :-
a. Violation
b. Infringement of fundamental rights
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (b)
49. Making law is not enough government has to ensure that these laws are :-
a. Implemented
b. Enforced
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these
Ans : (c)
50. Safety measures at work place means :-
a. Alarm system
b. Emergency exits
c. Properly functioning machinery
d. All of these
Ans : (d)
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